Jiasoft Information and government affairs wechat middle station: to help the construction of "digital government" and create a shared social governance pattern

In order to strengthen the construction of digital society and digital government, improve the intelligent level of public services and social governance。Jiayuoft Information builds government affairs wechat middle desk, providing technical and operational support services for various government affairs application systems。

What is government affairs wechat Middle station?

Government affairs wechat center based on government affairs wechat instant messaging capabilities,Build a three-end collaborative communication platform between government, enterprises and the people;Based on application development framework and open platform capability,Help app makers develop and launch apps quickly,And build a unified business ecology;Based on Morse Gateway and unified operation platform management capabilities,Ensure application access security, sustainable and stable operation;Build a unified application portal based on the capabilities of the unified portal platform,Implement one user login,You can access all applications within your permission。


What are the user pain points?

· Application tools are distributed and siloed

· High cost of repeated construction

· Business needs adjustment is difficult to adapt

· It is difficult to integrate and utilize across departments and systems

· High O&M costs and security risks exist

What functions does wechat have in government affairs?

Unified collaborative management platform -Support interconnectivity within or outside the organization,Provide multiple means of communication,Chat records multi-terminal synchronization and burn after reading and other functions,Ensure real-time collaborative data security;Supports large organization address book management,Quickly locate people in your address book,Solve the problem of "finding people hard";Supports the creation of online collaboration documents,Efficient flow of information,Effectively improve work efficiency。

Unified mobile support development framework -Provides a unified mobile support framework to achieve unified entry, unified authentication, unified messaging, and unified integration;Provide open application ecosystem capabilities, open major capabilities to third-party applications, quickly launch self-built applications (including mobile and PC applications), and build third-party application ecosystems。Effectively solve the problems of development, management, use and distribution faced by traditional government applications;Provides unified security management and control capabilities, including transmission encryption, message encryption, storage encryption, permission Settings, and data desensitization, meeting various security management and control requirements。

Unified Intelligent Gateway Platform -The intelligent gateway platform has management functions such as service, site, application, and interface gateway, which can realize service registration and release, research, and supervision. The gateway can shield the permission authentication differences among various business systems and provide a unified authorization mechanism。Realize the interoperability of service capabilities between internal systems of enterprises and institutions, or between internal and external systems and cross-systems and cross-protocols。

The intelligent gateway platform provides multiple security authentication and security protection, does not open redundant Internet ports, and does not directly expose internal services。And through multi-dimensional permission control, quickly filter invalid and potential threat requests, and secure back-end information assets。

Unified application open flat -It is used for application management and interface lifecycle management by third-party service providers, including application creation, publishing, and offline management, and interface publishing and offline management。Supports automatic generation of interface documents, simplifies the three-party interface interconnection process, and quickly completes the construction of various applications。

Unified operation management platform -Provides session content management and address book management functions, supports unified setting of archive scope, and obtains the work communication content of archiving staff through API to meet the requirements of external regulatory compliance and internal risk monitoring of enterprises;It also provides unified message management and unified operation support。

Unified Portal Platform -Integrate internal and external business systems,Pass the unified identity authentication,Users can access all systems with one login;Support for customized workstations (mobile and PC),And combine the open ability of the product,The user system and H5 native JS-SDK open capabilities are integrated,The content of the personalized workbench can show the effect of "thousands of faces" according to different users。

Why use government affairs wechat Middle station?

Unified entrance -Build a unified application portal to connect services, applications, personnel, and events up, down, and left to support unified service scenarios。

Instant messaging -Support simultaneous login of multiple devices, real-time synchronization of chat information, and provide a variety of featured office tools, high-frequency applications "full coverage"。

Rapid development -Provide mobile application development basic services, as well as stable operation and support services, so that users can quickly realize differentiated business scenario development。

Safety guarantee -Provides a unified intelligent gateway platform to establish a secure and stable bridge between the client (mobile, WEB) and various service systems, adding a security layer to multiple internal services, reducing the complexity of access, and improving service security。

Large organizational structure -Support large organizational structure management, a single organization can accommodate millions of users, administrators can set the visible range of contacts according to the composition of enterprise personnel, to protect member information from leakage。

Government affairs wechat frame composition


Government affairs wechat middle platform usage scenario

Build an integrated collaborative office platform -In view of the large diversity of users' office platforms and uneven service capabilities, an integrated collaborative office platform should be built to improve the internal and external office efficiency and digital service capabilities of the government, and reduce office costs。

Develop personalized intelligent application tools -It helps users simplify the third-party interface interconnection process and enables the rapid development of service application systems, meeting the requirements of integrated application construction and personalized application customization。

Build a digital smart government ecology -Through a unified application portal, smart government work coordination and force integration will be realized, and a government ecological system featuring interoperability between the Party and the government and between the government and the people will be built。

Government affairs wechat central desk provides a unified office entrance for the city's government leaders and staff to achieve cross-departmental and cross-level linkage and collaboration。Effectively improve staff office efficiency, reduce the burden of grassroots, optimize the public experience, promote social governance innovation, and help pan-political organizations accelerate digital transformation。