"Police assistant pass" help, so that crooks have no skills

2023-04-20 | 

"Thank you for helping me see through the scam in time..."Recently, the police of the Daoshi Police Station of the High-tech Zone · Daodao District Branch of the Jingmen Public Security Bureau used the early warning function of the Jingmen intelligent anti-fraud module of the "Police auxiliary pass" platform to successfully prevent a person from being cheated by the masses, which was well received by the masses。

Originally, at about 10 am on April 19, the Baishipo community civil auxiliary police received the "police auxiliary" platform anti-fraud warning information, indicating that a tenant of a residential district Ms. Chen was at risk of telecom fraud。After receiving the early warning information, the police and Baishi slope community grid immediately rushed to Ms. Chen's home。


It is understood that Ms. Chen has an investment account wechat group, for several days in a row, some people in the group said that they made money on a certain account APP, and also posted screenshots to prove it。Ms. Wang is very excited to see, but she is worried about being cheated, so she has not downloaded the APP。On the morning of the 19th, another person in the group said that they made money on the investment accounting APP, after seeing the information, Ms. Chen could not bear it anymore, and wanted to download the APP to try。Who knows, has not begun to invest in the APP accounting, the police came。

When viewing Ms. Chen's mobile phone, the police informed her that the APP was a fraud software。At the same time, the police combined with real cases, detailed to Ms. Chen analysis of the fraud routine, told her not to be deceived by the fraud of the liar, then, the police will be Ms. Chen mobile phone fraud APP deleted。

"The 'Police Futong' platform is very practical, it can timely push major situations and hidden problems to our front-line community police, facilitate our daily work arrangement, work records, timely report, rectification, and disposal of hidden dangers, let us develop a good habit of working at 㾗, is a pragmatic good platform.。Today, it is also thanks to this platform that people can be successfully prevented from being cheated。"Dao Stone police station said。

It is reported that in order to continuously improve the overall effectiveness of grassroots governance of public security organs, the Hubei Public Security Department has developed a basic platform for Internet police mobile collaborative office - "Police Auxiliary communication".。Empower every civilian auxiliary police officer with technology to enhance the quality and effectiveness of police work。

Source: Knife police